Glued rope bowl Get tutorial from or from here: Sewn rope bowl Tutorial available from: Or another version:

25 Girls Skirt Tutorials by Stephanie
If you are looking for sewing inspiration or a tutorial, the internet is hoarded of tutorials. The way it usually works is that we look for the tutorioals every time we need to sew something. Yet, when we want to sew something that we saw a few months ago, the tutorial is usually lost in the shuffle. Thnanks to Stephanie we can publish 25 skirts tutorials that she has gathered in one place online on […]

Junkaholique sheds by Decor8
It seems like whenever I read a success story some idea was formed in a shed or a garage. Have you noticed that? It’s a riot. From computers to candles, I imagine garages and sheds all over the world with this glow around them and little light bulb moments by the millions happening every second. I was telling my husband just yesterday that I need a shed! And we had a good laugh about that. But it’s so true, when one has a space of their own to go a bit wild in from a creative standpoint, so many cool things can result.