Glued rope bowl Get tutorial from or from here: Sewn rope bowl Tutorial available from: Or another version:

Baby Kimono Shoes – Pattern and Picture Tutorial
If you have any fabric scraps you can use them to make these cute baby shoes! Only two patterns and even if you do only basic sewing, you will make it. Its Sew EASy 😉 The original content is from: What do you need: pattern scraps of fabrics flees for the outer part thread scissors sewing machine How you make it: 1.Prepare the pattern and cut it out from the paper.You can download the […]
IDEAS: Wooden Pallet Recykling
Recycling or rather up-cycling is great. Would you think that you can make such an amazing thing of old wooden paletts? I didn’t know, until I came across these article on Polish website All the content is in Polish, but I think photos speak for themself. Enjoy these ideas! 1. Table Check how to make this table 2. chandelier 3. HANGERS 4.SEATEES AND SOFAS HOW TO MAKE THIS SOFA HOW TO MAKE A […]

Sew Easy Invitation to Style Solutions With Stylist Cathy O Connor
STYLE SOLUTIONS With Stylist Cathy O Connor @ Forty6…by weardrobe Celebrate spring! Enjoy our fabulous collections from Jackpot, In Wear and Part Two. Cathy provides guidance on how to dress for your body shape, how to choose wardrobe staples and how to mix and match your wardrobe Forty6…by weardrobe- 46 Drury St. Dublin2 (We are opposite Davey Davey and next door to Costume) Tuesday 30th April 7-9pm Free Jackpot Scarf with every purchase on the […]

10 Amazing DYI Valentine’s Day Projects
The Valentine’s Day is soon. Today we featured 10 amazing valentines Day projects so you can make yourself the perfect Valentine’s Day’s gift for your valentine. Check out these 10 amazing Valentine’s Day DIY inspirations: 1. Cards with sewn harts. Amazing idea not only for Valentines Day. Here you can find quick tutorial. 2. Cushiony Valentines for your Crafty Friends. Here you can see the tutorial. 3. Embroidered Hearts. Tutorial available here. 4. Patchwork hearts. Check […]